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Wheelchair Guidance

Plans & Options

Understanding the different Medicare plans and the options available to you is key to making sure you get the most out of your health insurance.  Learn more about the different Medicare plans below and give us a call to discuss which option(s) are right for you!

Supportive Doctor

Part A: Hospital Insurance

Medicare Part A covers you if you are admitted as an in-patient to a hospital, skilled nursing facility, or an institution. Part A is free for most people and has a yearly deductible. Once you've reached your deductible, it covers you at 80%. You generally need to purchase a supplemental policy to cover the 20% that isn't covered by Medicare Part A.


Coverage for things such as:

  • Hospital stays

  • Home health services (following acute stay)

  • Hospice care

  • Skilled nursing care

  • Transplants

Part B: Medical Insurance

Medicare Part B is NOT free and most people pay a monthly premium that is taken out of your Social Security check each month if you are retired. If you are not taking Social Security, you will be billed quarterly for this premium. Medicare Part B covers you for services performed in the doctor's office. Part B also has a yearly deductible. Once you meet your deductible, Part B will cover you at 80%. You generally need to purchase a supplemental policy to cover the 20% that isn't covered by Medicare Part B.

Coverage for things such as:

  • Doctor visits

  • Home health services (not following an acute stay)

  • Ambulance services

  • Outpatient physical, speech, occupational therapy

  • Outpatient surgeries

  • Durable medical equipment

  • X-rays

Doctor taking blood pressure of older patient
Eye Exam

Part C: Medicare Advantage

A Medicare Advantage Plan, also known as Part C, combines your Parts A, B, and D coverage into one plan known as Part C. Your Medicare Advantage Plan may include additional coverage for benefits such as fitness programs, vision, dental, hearing and transportation services. Most Medicare Advantage plans also include prescription drug coverage (Part D).

Coverage for Part A and Part B, and may include additional coverage for:

  • Prescription drug coverage

  • Dental, vision, and hearing services

  • Health and wellness programs


Offered through private insurance companies

Part D: Prescription Coverage

Medicare​ Part D, or the prescription drug program, is just that. You must obtain a prescription drug plan whether you are taking medication or not or you will be assessed a monetary penalty. With a Medicare Advantage Plan, your prescription coverage may be included and you would not have to purchase a separate drug plan.

  • Each plan offers its own formulary

  • Costs vary based on brand vs. generic medications

  • Costs vary based on drug tiers

Offered through private insurance companies

Pharmacists' hands
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